Ingria Business Incubator adopts 14 new residents

Ingria Business Incubator adopts 14 new residentsIn I quarter of 2012 14 new projects became the residents of Ingria Business Incubator, the total number of residents being 76 companies. Among the Ingria newcomers are: ResumUP project - the winner of the Web Ready contest for the Best Startup in the 2011, as well as members of the Skolkovo Fund - Mevodena and Speereo companies. The latter is also the RII-Bord member (MICEX), according to the Ingria website.

The new residents are also the projects Cluborama, Buzzlook, Livetex, i-Buki Avtopartizan, Spektralazer, United Service of immediate legal response, TeleSmile voice gifts designer, Department of Logistics and E Reception services, the project to develop mobile applications to implement functional for NFC technology .

The introduction of new products and services to Ingria is to attract larger projects, such as ResumUP, LiveTex, Speereo, Mevodena - says Dmitry Stepkin, the Ingria Business Incubator Director. - These companies are already at a fairly mature stage of development and have a leading position in their niche in Russia, or even significant competitive advantages in the international market.

From 2012 a number of new products and services appeared in the Ingria Business Incubator - for example, HR Lab (assistance in the recruitment of staff to residents), VC Day (meeting of investors and technical projects with the precursor to the educational program) and several others.

In addition, during the I quarter two Business Incubator residents (projects Kupongid and KwikPik) have attracted funding totaling $ 15.75 M from the RBC holding and Yuri Milner and Pavel Durov Start Fellows Fund.