Apple and Samsung could not settle mutual claims

Apple and Samsung could not settle mutual claims Mutual claims between Apple and Samsung could not be resolved by a peaceful talk of representatives of the companies, despite the fact that Judge Lucy Koh recommended the companies to try to make another attempt to reach an agreement before the jury begins meeting on the case. And the disputing parties did really try to do it, but with no result as they have said today.

In May of this year, the CEO’s of Apple and Samsung had two days of talks appointed by the court to a possible settlement of the patent conflict between the parties. The spring meeting of the leaders of the two companies and their legal advisers ended with no result too.

Recall that a large-scale conflict between Apple and Samsung flared up in the spring of 2011 when Apple made accusations towards Samsung concerning the copying of technologies and design of the iPhone and iPad. The South Korean company answered with claims incriminating Apple in illegal use of a number of important technologies for wireless communications. The parties have filed dozens of lawsuits in the courts of different countries around the world against each other.