The symbol of “Interra-2013” is sunflower

The symbol of “Interra-2013” is sunflowerThis year the International Innovation Forum “Interra-2013” will be conducted in Novosibirsk for the fifth time. Its subject matter is “Educational sphere as innovation development resource”.

As noted the event organizers, annually its symbolic tells about the main subject of the event, and sunflower in many cultures all over the world imagines the Sun – a source of light and education. “In the main symbol – the sunflower – have been expressed the whole variety and depth of questions, related to the subject matter of the Forum, which will be discussed and worked over on the Forum fields”, - said the Forum organizing committee.

Its participants will become leading Russian and foreign companies, and experts, educational workers, business representatives, politicians and culture representatives all over the world, including an expert of the Global Bank Isaak Frumin, who will take part in sessions and discussions “Universities – a core of educational sphere”, “Education-2050”, and “Educational sphere and educational infrastructures”.

As noted the Minister of education, science and innovative policy of the Novosibirsk region Vladimir Nikonov, the aim of the current Forum – expert discussion of actual problems of education development, creation of conditions for promoting the best achievements in the sphere of education, presentation of opportunities and results of the science-education complex of the Novosibirsk region.

The Forum starts in September, 6 and will be held by three main directions: “Educational sphere”, “Education and Technologies”, “Education and Economy”, fest “Informal Education”.