CNDvideo launched the supporting program for IT-startups

CNDvideo launched the supporting program for IT-startupsThe Company CDNvideo – is the network operator for content delivery in Russian and CIS countries – launched the supporting program for high-tech startups, which specialize at provision of various content Internet-services. Participation in the new program will allow the IT-startup to significantly increase creation of as prototype and full-scaled project launch. This program is very interesting for projects in the sphere of media: video-hostings, virtual cinemas, OTT-services.

It is possible for young companies to use such offering from the CDNvideo: for those, registration of which has been executed not longer than one year ago, herewith it should be founded by other enterprises or be affiliated by them. It is also required that it should not be alients of the CDNvideo , and the prototype should represent some variant of a videohosting, virtual cinema or OTT-service.

“The market initiative of the CDNvideo is the example of a positive trend on support of technology startups from the side of companies, which already possess industrial solutions and infrastructure, - says Andrey Golovin, investment consultant on the IT-market. – This will allow starting projects to create prototypes or early services with serious functionality and loading capability and really testing new solutions at wide audience. In the prototyping accelerator, created in the Technopark “Strogino”, is planned to be executed the educational program and courses on prototyping education based on the company CDNvideo technologies”.

It is very important that the IT-Startup receives opportunity to launch the service without great expenses, and herewith significantly decrease current expenses during the first project year. Rhus, during the first three months services of the CDNvideo are offered to participants of the program with 60% discount; during the next three months the discount comprises 40%; and since 6 till 9 month – 20%.

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