"Advance" acquired stocks of “TMT Investments”

"Advance" acquired stocks of “TMT Investments”The company “Advance Consulting Services”, controlling interest of which belongs to Artyom Inyutin, co-founder and Chief of the investment subdivision TMT, has acquired 14,37% of stocks “TMT Investment”, which invests in various fast-developing Internet-projects with perspective to become a large international business.

Initially the “advance” has already had 5,28% of the stock capital TMT Investments, and now it possesses 19,65% of TMT. Stocks have been acquired by “Wissey Trade & Invest”, which is the owner of 5 million stocks TMT, which comprises 20,17% of the total amount of issues stocks.

“I am happy that I managed to increase a share of TMT, because I believe in a potential of our portfolio companies, and also in opportunities of TMT to make qualitative investments in future. I think that many other shareholders-managers will increase their interest”, - commented the deal Artyom Inyutin.
