Next gen nanofilter for gas masks and respirators made in Tambov

Next gen nanofilter for gas masks and respirators made in TambovResearchers at Derzhavin Tambov State University in Central Russia have come up with a new-generation nanofilter to decontaminate the air

Researchers at Derzhavin Tambov State University in Central Russia have come up with a new-generation nanofilter to decontaminate the air, the university press service announced. Using the filter in new gas masks for military and civilian purposes appears to be the largest application for the invention. Such gas masks could become standard in the Russian Armed Forces and federal emergency agencies about three years from now, while simpler masks and respirators for general populations are expected to hit the domestic market within a year after serial production is launched. In addition, the new gas absorber is said to help triple or even quadruple the level of personal protection against carbon dioxide, which makes it a perfect product for the mining, chemical and oil and gas sectors, as well as for cleansing the air inside aircraft and spacecraft. ?Today?s personal gas protection systems use granulated gas absorbers. With their low durability they have a short service life and are very inefficient...