Rosatom contest to award prizes to young scientists

Rosatom contest to award prizes to young scientistsThe State Corporation Rosatom announced a contest to award prizes to young scientists of the nuclear industry organizations in 2012.

The competition is held in accordance with the Regulations on prizes of the State Corporation Rosatom to young scientists of the nuclear industry and the Order of 13.03.2012 № 1/212-P. It aims to improve the system of stimulating innovative activity of young scientists.

Prizes are personal in nature and are awarded on the basis of open competition, together with a young scientist – an applicant for the award, one of his scientific supervisors is nominated for similar awards. Nomination of candidates is made by scientific and technical (scientific, academic) boards of organizations, administered by the State Corporation Rosatom. The criteria for selection of candidates are concrete achievements in the research: intellectual property objects (patents, applications for inventions, etc.), publications in peer-reviewed Russian and international scientific journals, medal places in the sectoral, inter-sectoral, national and international scientific and technical conferences, exhibitions, seminars and schools.

The contest invites young scientists from organizations of the nuclear industry under the age of 35. The documents for the competition must be submitted to the sectoral contest commission of the State Corporation Rosatom before October 1, 2012 to: 119017, Moscow, Most Ordynka st., Building 24, State Corporation Rosatom, the Department of personnel policy.

The Chairman of industry competition committee was appointed D. Bulavinov, the State Corporation Rosatom personnel director.