Bioinformatics. The Windows of Opportunities seminar supported by RVC

Bioinformatics. The Windows of Opportunities seminar supported by RVCThe Center for Entrepreneurship the U.S.-Russia and the educational and research program Game|Changers invite to a seminar on Bioinformatics. The Windows of Opportunities will take place on August 30, 2012 within the scope of the series Technology, Business, Development to be defined - tbd2. The general partner of the seminar is JSC RVC.

Paul Pevsner, the Director of the Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry of National Institute of Health (USA), Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department of California University in San Diego, the winner of presidential megagrants in the Russian Federation (2010) and the Head of Biology of Algorithmic Laboratory of SPbAU RAS will tell about what applications are available for bioinformatics and what are the main areas of research in this area.

During the second part of the workshop, invited experts will try to understand what the unoccupied niches in the global bioinformatics ecosystem are and what the opportunities for Russian researchers and companies are.

The following people are invited to participate in the discussion:

- Michael Gelfand, Sc.D., Professor of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Department of Moscow State University, the deputy director of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RAS. He is also the co-editor of the newspaper Troitsk version - Science.
- Vitaly Prutsky, the Head of Information Management of R & D AstraZeneca in Russia and Eastern Europe, the head of the Center for Bioinformatics and predictive medicine AstraZeneca in St. Petersburg.
- Nicholas Vyahhi, Laboratory of algorithmic Biology of SPbAU RAS, the curator of intercollegiate program Game|Changers.
- Michael Kapuschevsky, the CEO and founder of GeneStack, a consultant of European Bioinformatics Institute.
- Vyacheslav Nesterov, the general director of the Development Center of EMC Corporation in St. Petersburg.

The aim of the seminar is to consider the application of technologies based on the achievements of bioinformatics and to identify windows of opportunities that allow research teams and companies to join global bioinformatics ecosystem.

Objectives of the seminar:
- To formulate a vision of the place and role of created research groups of bioinformatics in the innovation ecosystem of St. Petersburg;
- To identify the persons and organizations interested in the development of bioinformatics in the city.

Audience of the seminar: The staff of Russian and global IT and pharmaceutical companies, students, researchers, startup environment representatives, urban and municipal authorities, experts and academicians, bloggers and media representatives.

The seminar will take place on August 30, 2012 (from 14:00 to 18:15), at Ingria business incubator in St. Petersburg, Obukhov Defense Av., 70-2, BC Alexander Nevski Manufactory.

Organizers: Center for Entrepreneurship the U.S.-Russia, Game|Changers Program.

The general partner of the seminar: OJSC RVC.

The seminar is supported by Ingria Business Incubator.

Participation in the seminar is possible by invitation or on the basis of competitive selection.

On the issue of participation you can also contact the Center for Entrepreneurship the U.S.-Russia, tel.: (812) 325-98-32 or by e-mail: