United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair has completed its work in Novosibirsk

The organizers of the event were RVCA, Foundation for assistance to venture investments in small enterprises in scientific and technical sphere of Novosibirsk Oblast, The Novosibirsk Oblast Fund for assistance to scientific and innovative activity, «Innovation Management Centre» JSC. The United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair was attracting attention of business-elite during 2 days. Key happening of all the event has become exposition of the companies which presented potential of their businesses and were interested in attracting investments for growing their companies. List of the companies included different economy branches: from medical and industrial sectors to the nano-industry and new material spheres. Representatives of the Judges Team composed of venture capital industry professionals and experts contacted with representatives of 53 companies which had been selected and prepared beforehand. The Judges had to ? on the base of their experience and professionalism ? evaluate the companies` presentations, select the best of them, and nominate winners in four nominations: ? «Promising business» (Gold Diploma); ? «Promising business» (Silver Diploma); ? «Promising business» (Bronze Diploma); ? «Promising innovative business of Novosibirsk Oblast»...
VI Siberian Venture Fair opens tomorrow in Novosibirsk
Order taking for participation in XIV Russian and VI Siberian venture fairs i
At the XIV Russian and VII Siberian venture fair the best projects will be se
The 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair have been ended in Novosibirsk