Russians and Americans create ultra-thin material for nano-capacitors

Russians and Americans create ultra-thin material for nano-capacitorsA Russo-American group of physicists working at a think-tank just outside Moscow has developed a methodology to create ultra-thin diamond film that could be used as a dielectric for nanodimensional capacitors

A Russo-American group of physicists led by Pavel Sorokin of the Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials (TISNCM) in Troitsk just outside Moscow has developed a methodology to create ultra-thin diamond film that could be used as a dielectric for nanodimensional capacitors, Science and Technologies of Russia reported, citing publications in the Nano Letters and Physical Chemistry Letters scientific journals. The new film has been reportedly created by exposing carbon to hydrogen treatment. In the experiments, carbon was used in the form of several layers of graphene (a one-atom thick layer of graphite discovered and studied in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, two ethnic Russians and the 2010 Nobel Prize winners in physics at the University of Manchester in the UK). In addition, Physical Chemistry Letters reported that an analog of the diamond film for hexagonal diamond, also referred to as lonsdaleite, possesses exclusive mechanical strength properties second only to graphene itself...