website: Let Them Hear from You admission portal management announces a special promotion system for companies under two years – Let Them Hear from You, which aims to help baby business looking for new participants, open startup positions fulfillment.
The lack of information about new companies is considered to be one of the modern startups market problems according to Misunderstanding of what the company is, what kind of job it offers and what people work there has a negative impact on attracting new employees. Fears of a potential applicant such as ‘Is there any sense to respond?’ hampers start-ups development. An interview with a company representative on its website which gives detailed information about the history of the company, challenges, its unique features and development plans is supposed to solve this problem.
The second problem is that candidates are not task-oriented while looking for a job. Therefore they do not know about interesting challenges, opportunities and prospects this or that startup offers. It is suggested to place five vacancies at any chosen by the client time within six months on the home page to solve this problem. In addition, each vacancy will be marked with the ‘interview’ and tied to it.
Unfortunately, this service is not free - wants15,000 RUR for support and help in development.
The lack of information about new companies is considered to be one of the modern startups market problems according to Misunderstanding of what the company is, what kind of job it offers and what people work there has a negative impact on attracting new employees. Fears of a potential applicant such as ‘Is there any sense to respond?’ hampers start-ups development. An interview with a company representative on its website which gives detailed information about the history of the company, challenges, its unique features and development plans is supposed to solve this problem.
The second problem is that candidates are not task-oriented while looking for a job. Therefore they do not know about interesting challenges, opportunities and prospects this or that startup offers. It is suggested to place five vacancies at any chosen by the client time within six months on the home page to solve this problem. In addition, each vacancy will be marked with the ‘interview’ and tied to it.
Unfortunately, this service is not free - wants15,000 RUR for support and help in development.
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