World?s largest diamond producer seeks innovation from Russian start-ups

World?s largest diamond producer seeks innovation from Russian start-upsALROSA, the world?s largest government-owned diamond producer, is looking for innovation solutions in mechanical engineering and backing Russia?s biggest innovation project competition and accelerator

ALROSA, the Russian government-owned diamond producer, the world?s largest by volume, is looking for innovation solutions in mechanical engineering and backing Techno-Start 2014, Russia?s biggest innovation project competition and accelerator, reported Russian Venture Company (RVC), one of the competition organizers. From now on, all innovation projects presented at the competition and relevant to ALROSA?s areas of interest, will be scrutinized by ALROSA experts for investment and introduction potential. The government-owned diamond company is looking for projects in geological survey and diamond exploration techniques, developing new diamond production and concentration methods, as well as projects focused on creating new engine fuels from natural gas and on redesigning vehicles to use such new fuels, and also efforts in energy saving. The best Techno-Start 2014 projects may receive prize money from ALROSA, RVC emphasized. Applications for the competition are due through February 23, 2014; and on March 5, Techno-Start?s 25 finalists will be hand-picked. They will be eligible for a mentorship program and participation in the competition?s closing event in Ekaterinburg, in the Urals, on March 21, 2014...