Skolkovo will be included in Government program of Investment development and

The responsible officer of the sub-program is the Ministry of Finances of Russian Federarion. The participants of the sub-program are defined: The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Federal Customs Service, and nonprofit organization the Fund for Development of the Center for Elaboration and Commercialization of New Technologies.
The Government program has been confirmed by the Government in April, 2013. It includes nine sub-programs, which are directed on formation of advantageous investment environment, development of small and medium business, section of advantageous conditions for real estate market development, improvement of governmental and municipal management, and innovations stimulating.
Besides this, even now has taken a decision on financing the Fund Skolkovo up to 2020, on which it will be spent 135,6B RUB. At the moment the budget receipts to Fund are planned up to 2015. Since 2012 financing gradually decreases: budget money should be replaced by private money, according to the Plan of innovation project development.
For Skolkovo it will be established a special sub-program in the Government program “Economic development and Innovation economy” .
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