Skolkovo supports ?smart quarry? project development

The Skolkovo Foundation announced last week that it has approved a $600,000+ grant for VIST Mining Technology, a resident of Skolkovo?s IT cluster developing what is referred to as a ?smart quarry? project. According to Dmitry Klebanov, VIST?s director for development, the company will add to the grant its own funds to finance the further development of its IT-enabled driverless rock haulers and remotely controlled handling machinery for open-cast mines. Marchmont reported in early May on the testing of VIST?s first self-contained BelAZ truck robot. VIST?s R&D plans include the development and testing of the beta version of its special software. The Skolkovo resident is also expected to continue the development of methodology and special software for the servicing of self-contained machinery and the creation of mathematical algorithms for automating an excavator and boring rig?s operation. Longer-term plans include partnerships in developing safety rules for companies running self-contained machinery in mining...