Partner of the Award “Startup of the year” 2013 is the Fund “Our Future”

Natalya Zvereva, director of the Fund “Our Future”, notes: “We think that young audience has a great potential for realization of new uncommon projects and for development of social entrepreneurship – a new sector of economy. We became partners of the nomination the “Socially important Startup”, and are getting ready to award the laureate with a special, uncommon prize from our Fund. I am sure that youth – with its energy, true faith in justice and wish to change the world – this is the moving power of social entrepreneurship”.
The ceremony of the Awarding the “Startup of the year” will be held in December, 16 in the Central Entrepreneurs House, where will become known laureates names. By means of the event’s participants voting and spectators of online-translation there will also be chosen a winner in the nomination “The Best Startup according to spectators’ opinion”.
The award “Startup of the year” has been founded by business-incubator of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” in 2008, and is awarded annually by the best, according to business-society opinion, Startups. The Award the “Startup of the year 2013” is organized with support of the RVC and the “Moscow Seed Fund”.
The main aims of the Award are: to encourage effective and useful entrepreneurial solutionas, note creative approach to building the new business and inspire young entrepreneurs for new achievements.
More detailed information about the Award:
General partner: “The Russian Venture Company”, JSC;
Moscow Innovate Partner: Moscow Innovation Development Center;
Strategic partners: Moscow Seed Fund, Department of science, industrial policy and entrepreneurship, Publicly funded national institution “Small business of Moscow”, Internet initiatives development Fund, The Fund “Our Future”, Global TechInnovation, Biletix;
Partners: RIA Science, RealTime Board, Skolkovo, HSE INEO;
General radiopartner: Business FM;
Strategic information partners: Russian business-newspaper, channel “Enlightenment”, channel “Success”, Informational analytics “PRIME”, channel PRO Business, Hopes&Fears, Expert, business-journal, Russian Reporter, Delovaya sreda, М-24.
International Information Partner: Russia Beyond the Headlines
Contact information for competitors:
PrivalovaYelena – curator of the Award the “Startup of the year”-2013
Contact information for mass media:
Angelina Tsoi, e-mail: