Optor service received $5M from AddVenture fund and STS Asia Company

Optor Company allows small and medium businesses buying from online stores in Asia, organizing the delivery. According to the website of Optor, the company was founded in 2012 specifically for convenient service and reduced costs, for organizing the wholesale and small-batch purchases, and AddVenture investment fund and STS Asia Company are among the founders.
According to the co-founder and general director of Optora Igor Karpachev, received investment will be used to improve the service and to expand the presence in China, the main market for the company - the development of office and warehouse infrastructure that will allow Optora employees quality prepare of the products for shipment to Russia.
AddVenture is a Russian Investment Fund (by its own definition - Business Angels Fund), which manages three venture capital funds (the amount of the third fund - Addventure III – is $7M). AddVenture focuses on investments in IT projects at early stages. The peculiarity of the fund is active participation in the development of selected projects and their full support. Today, the fund's portfolio includes eight companies such as Pixonic, AlterGeo, InSales, Easyfinance.ru and others. Two of the projects have already got the second round of financing.
STS Asia in partnership with STS Logistics provides a wide range of professional logistics services in CIS and South-East Asia.
According to the managing partner of AddVenture Sergey Karpov, Optor will start receiving 300 orders per day by the end of 2012, and the turnover of 2013 is expected to be more than 100 M RUR. The range of services already has electronics, clothing and footwear, cosmetics, medical equipment, household goods and furniture.