The Irkutsk nanotechcenter received subsidies from the Irkutsk region budget

The Irkutsk nanotechcenter received subsidies from the Irkutsk region budgetThe “Innovation Technologies Center of the Irkutsk State Technology University” LLC, and the “Nanotechcenter” CJSC of the Irkutsk State Technology University Technopark received subsidies from the budget of the Irkutsk region for support of acting innovation companies. On the whole three starting and seven already working innovation companies have won in the regional contest.

According to results of the contest for subsidies receiving to subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship the “Innovation Technologies Center of the Irkutsk State Technology University” received almost 70 points from 100. The company makes scientific research in various spheres, and contributes to implementation of developments from scientists of the Irkutsk State Technology University. More than 2.2M RUB will be directed to the company’s development. It is planned to develop production prototype of the technology complex for local repair of asphalt roads cover, which allows high productivity of repair works.

The amount of support for the “Nanotechcenter” CJSC will comprise more than 4.1M RUB. According to director general Petr Nelyubin, innovators will direct subsidy to creation of semi-industrial installation for production of nano-modifiers.

“The installation will be created on the basis of the Irkutsk State Technology University by efforts of the University scientists. At the moment we can receive modifiers only for industrial production of paint. And we need to install production of modifiers for metal industry and concrete plants”, - noted Petr Nelyubin.

The Innovation Company “Nanotechcenter” was founded in 2012 by joint efforts of private investors and the Irkutsk State Technology University. The innovation company managed to accumulate powerful potential of Irkutsk scientists and professional team of managers for creation of unique products for Russian market. Main direction of activity are development and promotion to market of elements and end products of industrial and constructing reason based on special nanomaterials: coal nanotubes and nano-granules of silica dioxide.

The team of the “Nanotechcenter” is aimed at production of high-strong metals and alloys, building materials, asphalt-bituminous covers, enamels and paints. The company can product materials and execute supply for particular order, which requires specific characteristics. The “Nanotechcenter” is the owner of the award the “Golden Prometheus” for the best startup of the 2012 year within the conducted in Irkutsk All-Russian venture Fair.