Rusnano to help bring nanotechnology to Russia?s chemical sector

The Russian Chemists Union and the Rusnano Infrafund have shaken hands on joint work aimed at stimulating the development and commercial introduction of nanotechnologies for Russia?s chemical sector, announced the website of Rusnano, Russia?s largest nanotech company that set up the Infrafund. Viktor Ivanov, the president of the Union, and Andrei Svinarenko, the CEO of the Rusnano Infrafund, have inked an agreement outlining the future cooperation, the source said. The agreement reportedly calls for the creation of a database of chemical companies that develop and apply nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in Russia. The partners also intend to push and promote StartBase, a Russian infrastructure system aimed at backing innovation. It is expected that the streamlining of the commercial introduction of new nanotechnologies?a key objective of the joint project?will help ?unlock the scientific and technological potential of Russia?s chemical sector.?...
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