Krasnoyarsk compels government procurers to buy nanotech products

From early 2014 on, government services in the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia will be obligated to include orders for innovation and nanotech products in their government procurement programs. This is a way of encouraging demand for innovation in the area. The draft government decision was posted on the official Krasnoyarsk administration website. According to the document, from January 1, 2014 on, innovation products will be expected to account for at least 5% of all annual purchases in the government procurement services? purchasing plans. They must account for 7% two years from then and up to 10% from January 1, 2019 on, the draft documents stated. For government officials to know what exactly they are expected to buy, the Krasnoyarsk government says it will also draft an Innovation and Nanotech Products Register, listing products recommended for use in the region...