ROSNANO will finance network of house building plants

ROSNANO will finance network of house building plantsAt the regular meeting the Board of directors of ROSNANO has taken decision about financing of the investment project “Morton: creation of the house building network”.

The total volume of investments in the project of house building plants creation should comprise 9B RUB, including co-financing of ROSNANO in amount of 2B RUB.

The aim of the project is creation of house building plant of a new type on production of structural precast concretes with use of solutions of project companies ROSNANO. Not having analogues in the country, house building plant should become the polygon for new technologies in the building branch.

In particular, here will be used paints, coatings and plasticizing agents of the company “Akrilan” production, window blocks “STIS”, hot melt adhesives and special chemistry “Metaclay”, industrial printers of the company “SAN”, and in perspective – products of other project companies ROSNANO. The project demonstrates that use of innovation technologies in construction not only allows achieving new consumer goods properties, but, often, decrease end cost of solutions at the expense of economy on transportation of panels, and also ready houses service.

Ending parameters of ROSNANO participation in a new investment project will be disclosed after execution of the investment agreement between its participants.