Accepting applications for HSE {sun} summer school

Accepting applications for HSE {sun} summer schoolHSE Scientific and Research Institution’s Business Incubator invites everyone to participate in HSE {sun} 2012 Summer School dedicated to supporting and developing entrepreneurship. The School will be held on July 10-13, 2012 in the Foresta Tropicana boarding house located near Moscow.

The main topics are:

- Establishing and functioning of business incubators, innovation centers and other organizations supporting start-ups;
- Forming the business environment contributing to the development of new businesses;
- Growing successful innovative start-ups;
- Training and advanced training of specialists working with startups.

The objectives are:

- Exchanging experience among business incubators, educational centers and other infrastructure organizations;
- Establishing professional contacts in the business environment;
- Creating new effective business support organizations;
- Forming an expert group that can teach the techniques of working with startups and mentoring support.

The program includes:

- Presentations by experts from Russia and other countries (USA, UK, etc.) on entrepreneurship development;
- Trainings and sessions aimed at defining strategies and solving the problems of school’s participants;
- Interactive sessions and brainstorms dedicated to training practical skills in working with small businesses;
- An informal program, leisure time activities and socializing.

The organizer is:

SRI HSE Business Incubator ( is one of the most successful Russian business incubators. It was established in 2006 as a subsidiary of the Higher School of Economics. About 10,000 people participate in the events organized by the business incubator each year, more than 10 startups are trained and consulted within the walls of the incubator. It collaborates with leading business centers around the world, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Aalto Venture Garage (Finland), National University of Singapore (Singapore), Twente University (Netherlands), etc.

Summer School is held with the support of RVC, Intel and GreenFieldProject.

To participate in summer school it is necessary to register. Applications are accepted until July 1, and are preselected. No more than 40 people will participate in Summer School. Preference is given to those who applied earlier.